Make a Donation
Thank you for your contribution to the UHC!
There are various methods available for members and friends of the community to provide the financial support needed to operate and enhance our community services, programs, premises and personnel.
We honour all donations and supporters. If you would like to keep your support anonymous, please let us know. We will ensure that your confidentiality is protected.
If you are a US taxpayer, please refer to the WUPJ section below.
For all enquiries in relation to donations, please contact our treasurer or our fundraising team.
When transferring funds, please indicate the donation description in the reference.
Le He'emin fund (this fund is to ensure a permanent rabbinical presence), Kiddush, B'nai Mitzvah, PJ Library, High Holy Days, etc.
Donate by bank transfer
Funds can be wired in either Singapore Dollars or United States Dollars* to following accounts:
Bank : DBS Bank Singapore
Account Name : United Hebrew Congregation (Singapore)
General donations:
Account No : 107-902028-3 (SWIFT Code: DBSSSGSG, Bank Code: 7171, Branch Code: 107)
Account No : 107-902027-5
Le He'emin Fund:
Account No : 012-903366-9
When transferring funds, if you are transferring funds directly please indicate "donation" in the reference.
* For USD donations, see WUPJ route below, or if you prefer to donate to the UHC a USD-denominated gift directly, please contact our office at
Donate via PayNow
General Donations PayNow Proxy : S95SS0034L or for QR code, please scan below
Le He'emin PayNow Proxy : S95SS0034LLHM or for QR code, please scan below
School PayNow Proxy : S95SS0034LSCH or for QR code, please scan below
Donate by credit card / paypal
Please click on this link to reach the Online Payment Form. After completing the form, you will be routed to PayPal to complete payment.
Donate via World Union of Progressive Judaism (WUPJ)
Donors who are tax resident in the United States may prefer to donate to UHC via the World Union of Progressive Judaism (WUPJ) as contributions by US taxpayers are tax-deductible. UHC understands that the WUPJ is a charitable non-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the US tax code.
To make a donation via the WUPJ, your donation must specify "United Hebrew Congregation – Singapore". You can donate via the WUPJ website:
Any donation made via the WUPJ is subject to an administration charge of 10% of the donation.
Donate by cheque
Cheques can be made out to United Hebrew Congregation (Singapore), and posted to
United Hebrew Congregation (Singapore)
Killiney Road Post Office
PO Box 2040
Singapore 912351