Services at UHC are welcoming, inclusive, and full of music. We use the Mishkan T’Filah, the Reform Siddur of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, as the basis for the weekly liturgy and the Mishkan HaNefesh: Machzor for the Days of Awe for the High Holy Days. Services are held in a variety of locations including the UHC office, hotels, clubs, interfaith spaces, and members’ homes.
For a flavor of UHC services, please listen to the snippet below:
For full details of upcoming services, please refer to the UHC Calendar. You can find a list of special dates at a glance or other worship resources at this link. Please note that you must be logged in to see view the full contents of either page. For assistance please contact admin@uhcsingapore.org.
Thursday Morning Minyan
Every Thursday from 7.30am - 8.30am, members of the community, and the Gabbai team come together for morning prayers, Torah reading and study, and an opportunity to say Kaddish. Minyan is followed by coffee and pastries for those who have time to stay.
For more information, please join our Thursday Morning Minyan WhatsApp group via this link.
Friday Evening Services
The UHC offers a range of Friday evening services tailored to different segments of the community. Choose one or attend them all.
Shabbat Kulanu
Kulanu = all of us
Starting at 6.30pm, this is a Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv service for the entire community . Services are led by our Rabbi, together with active participation from upcoming B'nei Mitzvot students and other members of the congregation. Please register in advance.
Tot Shabbat
Starting at 5.45pm this special 30-minute service is designed for our smallest members (aged 5 and under) and their grown ups. Join our talented lay leader Dan Kohane to play, sing songs, listen to stories, and meet other young families in the UHC community.