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Our Rabbi

Rabbi Miriam Farber Wajnberg

Rabbi Miriam Farber Wajnberg (Vine-berg), UHC's visiting rabbi, is a rabbi, educator, and ritual creator based in the Greater Toronto Area. She loves people and opening doorways into Jewish life. She meets congregants of all ages “where they’re at” and is honored to accompany congregants on their Jewish and spiritual life journeys. Rabbi Miriam loves studying Torah regularly with her chevruta (learning partner), exploring Jewish foodways, reading Israeli poetry, and examining Torah and Jewish text through a contemporary feminist lens. After serving as one of UHC's Resident Rabbis from 2021-2023, she will be returning to Singapore in March, April, and May 2024.

Rabbi Miriam grew up in New York and attended Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Los Angeles where she was ordained and earned her Masters of Jewish Education. She is an alumna of the prestigious Wexner Graduate Fellowship and has served as rabbi, educator, rabbinic intern, hospital chaplain, community organizer, and teacher in Jewish communities in New York, New Jersey, California, Massachusetts, Washington State, and Montana. 

Prior to joining UHC, Rabbi Miriam served as the Program Manager for Jewish Learning and Engagement at the Union for Reform Judaism, supporting North American Reform congregations offering Introduction to Judaism classes. As a member of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, the Association of Reform Jewish Educators, and the Women’s Rabbinic Network, Rabbi Miriam is committed to building an inclusive and relevant Jewish community that is rooted in tradition and Jewish values. She believes that Judaism should inspire lives filled with meaning that respond to the surrounding world and that every one of us can be partners in repairing the world. Rabbi Miriam uses creative Jewish ritual to imbue lifecycle events with meaning. 

Off the bima, Rabbi Miriam loves getting to know congregants over coffee and teaching the young and the young-at-heart. She believes both soul and body need sustenance and loves exploring mixology, baking (especially challah!), and cooking. Rabbi Miriam enjoys hiking, yoga, reading, and spending time with Rabbi Beni and their two sons, Shai Lev and Rafi Mendel. 

If you'd like to schedule time to meet with Rabbi Miriam on one of her upcoming visits to Singapore, please email her at the address below.

Sat, 26 October 2024 24 Tishrei 5785